Boyerito Washed Coffee Speciality
Name of Farm
El Boyerito (ICAFE 964)
Roberto Jiménez
Arancibia, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Depulped with a Penago DCV 306, and mechanically washed.
Drying Time
8 days
950 to 1,300 meters a.s.l.
Plant Variety
Caturra and Obata
Between 10.5 % and 12%
Cup Score
Cupping Notes
Sweet Lime. Presents a balanced cup, with a long but delicious aftertaste.
El Boyerito (ICAFE 964)
Bueyerito’s Coffee is grown in limited amounts on small-plot farms near San Rafael village in the Arancibia region of Costa Rica. It is harvested with passion and love to exacting standards by more than 50 independent “Productors de Café”.
Each Productor has dedicated themselves to producing a first rate coffee for you that is special to taste. We are proud to present this batch of coffee and we hope you enjoy!
Although it is called the Guanacaste Region, with the name of one of the seven provinces of Costa Rica, this coffee zone is distributed in the provinces of Guanacaste, Puntarenas and Alajuela in mountainous parts such as the Guanacaste Mountain Range and the Central Volcanic Mountain Range.
Its production ranges from 50,000 to 70,000 bags of coffee, made up of small micro mills distributed throughout each of the areas of this beautiful region, which is characterized by a warm climate. In this region, a grain called Pacifico is produced, which is small and hard, with an open fissure and a delicious aroma. Sarapiquí and San Carlos produce a grain classified as Atlantic.
In this coffee-growing region are the only coffee plantations in the world in a Blue Zone, this is in the Peninsula de Nicoya, which is one of the 5 zones in the world, which people live longer than average and this according to studies due to their lifestyle life, including their diet.
Weather Characteristics:
They have two well-defined seasons, the dry and rainy seasons. In San Carlos and Sarapiquí the rainy season is broader and there are even rains in the summer. Sarapiquí and San Carlos have average rainfall of 3,500 millimeters while Guanacaste and Puntarenas have 2,250 millimeters.
Sarapiquí and San Carlos: 600 to 900 meters above sea level.
La Península de Nicoya: 600 to 1,000 meters above sea level.
Abangares, Tilarán, Monte Verde and Montes de Oro: 600 to 1,350 meters above sea level, this being the sub-region with the highest coffee plantations in the Guanacaste Region.
The plantations comprise more than 4,900 acres with soils of volcanic origin, mostly in the provinces of Guanacaste and Puntarenas.
Harvest Time:
Sarapiquí and San Carlos: July to December.
Guanacaste and Puntarenas: October to February.
Cup Features:
It is a smooth, balanced, fruity cup with a delicious aroma.

Hours: M-F 8 am – 5pm
Office Locations
Costa Rica:
Miramar, Montes de Oro, Puntarenas.
2250 NW 114TH AVE,
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