Black Honey Frailes
Name of Farm
Otoniel Café Benigno
Jorge Calvo Robles
Tarrazú, Costa Rica
Hand Picked, Honey Anaerobic
Drying Time
1,600 meters a.s.l.
Plant Variety
Caturra & Catuaí
Cup Score
Cupping Notes
Nuts, brown sugar, peanut, chocolate, bananas, dark fruits.
Otoniel Café Benigno
The farm is located at an altitude of 1,600 meters above sea level, coffee is harvested under the shade of fruit trees such as avocado, banana, medlar and poró, under good agricultural practices, organic amendments are applied to the soil such as is the use of the coffee shell to nourish the soil.
Coffee is dried in the sun in African beds with a greenhouse material cover (transparent plastic) to achieve a prolonged and uniform drying in 22 days. The milling process is made almost dry, the use of water is minimal, only to float and wash the fruits before fermentation.
Los Santos – Tarrazu Region
Undoubtedly, Los Santos is the best-known coffee-growing region in Costa Rica and bears the name “Los Santos” because several of its towns bear names alluding to Christian saints: Santa María, San Marcos and San Pablo. Located in the province of San José, in the center-south of Costa Rica with a total area of 863 km2 and more than 50,000 of population.
This region is dedicated mostly to the cultivation of coffee, this being the main source of income; It is estimated that in Los Santos there are more than 20,000 cultivated hectares of coffee that produce close to 700,000 “fanegas”, more than seventy million pounds of green coffee beans.
The main varieties of coffee that are grown in the area are Caturra and Catuaí. Its raw grain is small, bluish color, good appearance, S.H.B. (strictly hard bean).
Climate Characteristics:
From the month of May to November (7 months) is the rainy season and from December to April (5 months) the dry season, a characteristic that favors the flowering of coffee. The annual average rainfall is 2,400 millimeters and an annual average temperature of 66 Fahrenheit.
From 1,200 to 1,900 meters above sea level. Aserri, Acosta have plantations at lower altitudes of 800 to 1,200 m a.s.l. Cartago and Desamparados with elevations from 1,200 to 1,700 m a.s.l., these are considered subregions of the Los Santos area.
Soils of sedimentary origin, most of the crops are under shade.
Harvest Time:
From November to March.
Cup Features:
Good body, with a cup of high acidity, fine and not pungent, excellent aroma, characterized by an intense and slightly chocolate flavor, the latter being one of the most appreciated characteristics of the coffee from this important region.

Hours: M-F 8 am – 5pm
Office Locations
Costa Rica:
Miramar, Montes de Oro, Puntarenas.
2250 NW 114TH AVE,
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